Consumer Research Studies

The marketing process we all know and love is complex.

It would be relatively easy if it were a linear, step-by-step process and we were able to focus solely on one point at a time. But this is not reality.

In most cases, a simultaneous action plan is executed across all points of the process at once. This means that while we are taking the current product line and communications strategy to market, we are concurrently monitoring performance, working on the next generation of innovative products, and reshaping the brand and communications strategy for next year.

ConsumerDNA understands these nuances and complexities and can help you with proven consumer insights frameworks that will make each step a success – no matter where you are in your process.

Market Opportunity Identification

Market Structure Studies

  • Define your market – the competitors and basis for competition
  • As well as the features and benefits that drive consumer choice

Category Studies

  • Identify your target consumers and their attitudes, needs and motivations. Plus, retail and online venues they use for information, shopping and purchasing
  • Path to Purchase
  • Map your customer journeys so you know where to intervene with your brand and products

Product Innovation

  • Consumer needs and motivations
  • New product development platforms
  • Consumer value equation
  • Cross-pollinate from other categories

Consumer Segmentation

  • Create consumer segments to improve targeting and product development effectiveness

Product Development

New Product Concept Development and Testing

  • Identify the best new product concepts and improve the packaging and ad messaging
  • Screen for the best new product ideas

Product Placements

  • Place products with target consumers and conduct in-home use tests

User/Product Experience Tests

  • Conducted at point of experience, central location or in-home

Product Price and Features Optimization

  • Use conjoint or discreet choice analysis to optimize the price and features of your product

Product Line Optimization

  • Optimize your line of products and maximize profit through price optimization

Brand Strategy

Brand Positioning Studies

  • Position your brand effectively versus competitors on the rational, emotional and cultural dimensions that matter most to your target consumer
  • Develop a positioning hierarchy that optimally aligns consumer targeting, messaging, and product development and positioning

Brand Equity Studies

  • Uncover the assets and weaknesses of your brands versus competitors

Brand Portfolio Optimization

  • Determine how to make your portfolio of brands work more effectively together

Shopper Insights

Drivers and Barriers

  • Uncover the drivers and barriers to purchase for your category and brands – product design, communications, pricing, promotion, etc.

Path to Purchase Studies

  • Identify and refine the tactics that will make your product a success throughout the purchase process
  • Understand the non-linear process of how your customers get from information seeking and comparison shopping to category selection and brand purchase, both online and physically

Channel Studies

  • Optimize your strategy by channel – target consumer, merchandising, messaging and product features – for both retail and online venues

Communications Testing

Advertising Concept Development and Testing

  • Identify the best new print or video advertising concepts and improve the messaging and execution

Finished Ad Testing

  • Use normative methods to test the effectiveness of finished ads either video or print

Media Mix

  • Use quantitative methods to assess the best media mix to use for your brand/or product – both online and traditional forms

Performance Measurement

Brand Performance Tracking

  • Monitor the strength of your brand versus competitors over time

Advertising Performance Studies

  • Monitor ad awareness, recall and impact over time

Customer Satisfaction Studies

  • Assess the satisfaction, loyalty and churn of your customers versus competitor brands

Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Studies

  • Determine how satisfied your employees are with their job and the level of engagement they have in pushing your company to the next level of performance